'EZ' Cellular Energy: Water and Sunshine
It is understood that our bodies gain energy from food and nutrients - learn more about Exclusion Zone (EZ) water!

Newest Research Finds Hydration May Reduce Risks for Heart Failure; A 2017 Divinia Hydration Study
Newest research shows proper hydration may reduce long-term risks of heart failure. A 2017 study shows the hydration factor of Divinia.

'Everywhere Chemical' May Increase Childhood Cancer Risk, According to Study
Plastic has been a chemical present in modern civilization for about a century, but only in recent years have scientists begun to...

Brain Dehydration and Alcohol: Hydration and Brain Health
The brain is made up of approximately 85% of water so what you eat and drink is vitally important to maintain head health!

How to Store (DIVINIA) Water for Food Storage/Preparedness
Keeping food and water in storage is not only smart in cases of emergency but is also cost-saving and convenient. Having food on hand...

Anti-Aging: Cellular Water's Potential Role in Cellular Maintenance
What Role Does Water Play? It is no secret that drinking pure, energized water is necessary for cellular health and longevity. The...

Quick Q & A: How is DIVINIA Different?
Is DIVINIA bottled in plastic or aluminum? No, DIVINIA is only found in glass for quality and sustainability. You can learn more about...

The Sigh-ence of Breathing
Guest Author: Samuel Whiting Breathing is one of the most fascinating behaviors controlled by the nervous system from regulation of gas...

Fighting Pervasive pH Myths: Misinformation from Social Media
You may have seen viral videos of YouTubers,TikTokers or Instagramers dropping pH drops or using litmus papers to measure the pH of wide...

Is Boxed (or Canned) Water Better?
While pushing your cart down the bottled water aisle of your favorite health food store you've likely noticed the growing number of boxes...