Newest Research Finds Hydration May Reduce Risks for Heart Failure; A 2017 Divinia Hydration Study
Newest research shows proper hydration may reduce long-term risks of heart failure. A 2017 study shows the hydration factor of Divinia.

'Everywhere Chemical' May Increase Childhood Cancer Risk, According to Study
Plastic has been a chemical present in modern civilization for about a century, but only in recent years have scientists begun to...

Brain Dehydration and Alcohol: Hydration and Brain Health
The brain is made up of approximately 85% of water so what you eat and drink is vitally important to maintain head health!

How to Store (DIVINIA) Water for Food Storage/Preparedness
Keeping food and water in storage is not only smart in cases of emergency but is also cost-saving and convenient. Having food on hand...

Anti-Aging: Cellular Water's Potential Role in Cellular Maintenance
What Role Does Water Play? It is no secret that drinking pure, energized water is necessary for cellular health and longevity. The...