DIVINIA - Answering Questions on DDW and Hydrogen Water Comparisons.

What is DIVINIA's deuterium level? Doesn't DDW have to be extremely low to make a difference?
We are not simply seeking to offer the lowest deuterium depleted water - we are, however, striving to be the best water, overall. The deuterium depletion is just one of many significant attributes associated with DIVINIA.
We have been asked numerous times what the ideal level of DDW is. DIVINIA's deuterium depletion is the same as Hunza spring water, which is independently studied for its benefits for the Hunza people who live long, healthy lives. By any and all scientific standards, DIVINIA is deuterium depleted at around 130 ppm, making it ideal for every day hydration! Though useful in urgent cases, drinking extremely low levels of deuterium depleted water daily may be dangerous or have deleterious effects, as it may inhibit cellular growth or turnover. Furthermore, many other brands that offer extremely low deuterium depletion suggest that you dilute their concentration with other water to be 130 ppm. DIVINIA is already at the ideal level, without any other water added; plus, DIVINIA's purity and oxygenation are additional benefits that no other DDW brand has.
Scientifically speaking, deuterium-depleted water (DDW) is water with a lower concentration of deuterium than what occurs naturally (approximately 155 ppm); the depletion in DIVINIA is independently verified by an American university.
We did not set out to "create" a deuterium depleted water, but rather the depletion is a natural product of our purification; the deuterium depletion in DIVINIA is not artificially driven down or forced.
Most water is around 155 ppm and, though, 15% decrease may not seem like much, the Griffiths Theory suggests the adverse biological effect of deuterium goes by the square of the concentration. Additionally, more doctors and naturopaths are telling their patients about DIVINIA because the concentration is not too aggressive or drastic.
Does DIVINIA Water have extra hydrogen? Do you put hydrogen gas in your water?
The thought of hydrogen water to have particular healing or therapeutic properties comes from the understanding that hydrogen is the smallest and most prolific molecule in the universe. Hydrogen can aid in gut health, reduce inflammation, improve skin quality, etc. by acting as an antioxidant atom. This is done when hydrogen interacts with the oxygen free in radicals, helping to restrain them by combining with the oxygen to make water. Because hydrogen is so small, it's believed that it easily enters the mitochondria to fight free radicals that may cause oxidative stress.
So, why don't we infuse DIVINIA with hydrogen?
Well, there's 2 good reasons.
First reason is that there is no need to. In 2007, overwhelming research conducted by Dr. Rustum Roy (founder of the Materials Research Laboratory at Penn State University) demonstrated that DIVINIA has a significantly higher energy bond between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms compared to deionized water. The higher molecular energy in DIVINIA means that hydrogen and oxygen break apart easier in chemical reactions, making the hydrogen more bio-available for the body to separate and use in the mitochondria.
Secondly, hydrogen gas is very small. When pumped into water and packaged, the hydrogen gas can easily escape and leave the water behind normal hydrogen levels. Furthermore, hydrogen water companies are relying on aluminum cans and aluminum-lined hydropacks to keep the hydrogen gas in tact. According to blog Wellness Mama, consistent exposure to aluminum can potentially lead to bone disease, nervous system problems, brain disease and disorders, respiratory problems, impaired iron absorption, and many other diseases and ailments.
If you are still considering the purchase of the leading hydrogen water brands, please check the label! Some of the most popular brands use water from Japan, and given the nuclear spill in Fukushima this makes us a little nervous.