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Curious to know more about DIVINIA's Exclusion Zone or deuterium depletion properties? Click here.

Why DIVINIA Water?

Simple. DIVINIA is the only "renatured" water on Earth. We capture water at its most pure and balanced, with all the benefits of clean hydration.  


No other bottled water company compares to our commitment to quality. 


According to the World Health Organization, 90% of diseases are caused by unclean water and dehydration.


DIVINIA Water is scientifically proven to be both "EZ" (exclusion zone) AND deuterium depleted water, at a 1000x more pure than bottled water, tap water, glacial water, spring water, rain water, or any other kind water available. It is also proven to be more hydrating to the cell, thanks to our exclusive, proprietary technology. When you drink DIVINIA Water, you are hydrating your body with the purest water to enter your cells.


Exclusion Zone (or "EZ") water is understood by progressive thinkers in the scientific community to be the water nature intended. It is activated water with the ability to enter and energize living, organic cells. Scientists, doctors, bioengineers, biohackers, Nobel laureates, and the like believe that "EZ" water is the same water generated by the cells of living creatures, like humans. 

DIVINIA's scientific aspects are verified by labs at: Penn State, UC Davis, Arizona State, University of Washington, Loyola Marymount University, and the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, and Amity University (India).


DDW is independently studied and researched by numerous scientists and doctors and is understood to be anti-cancerous, anti-aging, aids in better sleep, aids in greater in energy, and aids in the reduction of depression.


Our patented process is over 14 stages of purification, which takes over 8 hours to purify 3 gallons of DIVINIA Water. Furthermore, our process is environmentally friendly, with no water waste in the purification process. With a mission to provide an all-natural, beneficial beverage free of chemicals, we purvey water free of hormones, pesticides, arsenic, chromium-6, chlorine, fluoride, lead, MTBE, and trace pharmaceuticals.


We love nature, which is why we perfect the world's most precious resource for the world's most valuable species: the human race. 



*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This Product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Supporting Science

Tests and Studies


Dr. Manoogian, M. March 26, 2007. Testing tap water vs DIVINIA ("Smart water" in test) concrete strength; DIVINIA 15% higher ksi than the tap water mix average. Loyola Marymount University.


Dr. Roy, R. August 28, 2007. Letter written by Dr. Roy describing the experiments conducted on DIVINIA Water; results show a stretched O-H bond, long-term structuring/energy associated with DIVINIA Water, purity and pH. Materials Research Laboratory, Penn State University


Dr. Pollack, G. H. May 5, 2011. Recorded high measurement of EZ water signature of DIVINIA Water at 270 nm. Pollack Laboratory, University of Washington.


Dr. Matthews, J. Feb 5, 2016. ​Results of lab tests for deuterium depletion and oxygenation; results show DIVINIA's DDW measurements and oxygen parts per million. Stable Isotopes Facility, UC Davis.


Dr. Shankaraswamy, J. and Dr. Sarika, S. 2017. Value added fruit processing with EZ water: a holistic cellular healthy diet. Amity International Centre for Post Harvest Technology and Cold Chain Management, Amity University Uttar Pradesh; Amity Institute of Biotechnology, Amity University Uttar Pradesh.


Dr. Bradley, R. 2018. Effects of DIVINIA on kidney and liver function - abstract and proposal completed. Helfgott Research Institute, National University of Natural Medicine.


Dr. Roberts, C. May 5, 2020. Blood test results (confidential) of players on DIVINIA over 23 months. Bournemouth Soccer Club.


Snyder, D. July 1, 2020. ​Results of lab tests for deuterium depletion and verification of DIVINIA DDW in ppm. Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology - Analytical Lab.


Peer Reviewed Papers/Supporting Research


Rao, M.L., Slawecki, M., Hoover, R., Roy, R, . Characterization and properties of structured waters. "Materials Day" at Materials Research Institute, 2008, Penn State University. 


Roy, R., Rao, M. L. and Kanzius, J., Observations of polarized RF radiation catalysis of dissociation of H2O–NaCl solutions Mater. Res. Innov., 2008, 12, 3–6.


Rao, M.L., Sedlmayr, S., Roy, R., Kanzius, J., Polarized microwave and RF radiation effects on the structure and stability of liquid water. Current Science, 2010, 98, 1500 - 1504. 


 Y. Thomas, The history of the memory of water, Homeopathy, 96 (2007) 151-157. (b) F. Beauvais, Memory of water and blinding, Homeopathy, 97 (2008) 41-42.


K.B. Goodall, In Search of the Fountain of Youth Preliminary Analysis of Deuterium’s Role in DNA Degradation, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, (2003).


Mosin, O. V., Ignatov, I. (2012) Isotopic Effects of Deuterium in Bacteria and Micro-algae in Vegetation in Heavy Water D2O, Water: Chemistry and Ecology, No. 3, pp. 83-94.


A. J. Mork and G. H. Pollack, New observations at the air-water interface, J. Undergrad. Research Bioeng. (2008-2010) 105-113, U. Washington.


B. Chai, A. G. Mahtani and G. H. Pollack, Unexpected presence of solute-free zones at metal-water interfaces. Contemp Mater. 3 (2012) 1-12.


H. Yoo, R. Paranji and G. H. Pollack, Impact of hydrophilic surfaces on interfacial water dynamics probed with NMR spectroscopy, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2 (2011) 532-536.


F. Musumecia and G. H. Pollack, High electrical permittivity of ultrapure water at the water–platinum interface, Chemical Physics Letters, 613 (2014) 19-23


J-M. Zheng, A. Wexler and G. H. Pollack, Effect of buffers on aqueous solute-exclusion zones around ion-exchange resins, Journal of Colloid Interface Science, 332 (2009) 511-514


B. Sulbarán, G. Toriz, G. G. Allan, G. H. Pollack and E. Delgado, The dynamic development of exclusion zones on cellulosic surfaces, Cellulose 21 (2014) 1143-1148. 


J.-M. Zheng and G. H. Pollack, Solute and potential distribution near hydrophilic surfaces, In Water and the cell, Ed. G. H. Pollack, I. L. Cameron and D. N. Wheatley (Springer, Dordrecht, 2006) pp. 165-174.


B. Chai, J. Zheng, Q. Zhao and G. H. Pollack, Spectroscopic studies of solutes in aqueous solution, Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112 (2008) 2242-2247.


Colic, M. and Morse, D., Influence of resonant RF radiation on gas/liquid interface: can it be a quantum vacuum radiation? Phys. Rev. Lett., 1998, 80, 2465–2468.


Colic, M. and Morse, D., Effects of amplitude of the radiofre-quency electromagnetic radiation on aqueous suspensions and solutions, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 1998, 200, 265–272.


C.-S. Chen, W.-J. Chung, I. C. Hsu, C.-M. Wu and W.-C. Chin, Force field measurements within the exclusion-zone of water, Journal of Biological Physics,  38 (2012) 113-120.


I. N. Huszár, Z. Mártonfalvi, A. J. Laki, K. Iván and M. Kellermayer, Exclusion-zone dynamics explored with microfluidics and optical tweezers, Entropy 16 (2014) 4322-4337c


A. De Ninno, Dynamics of formation of the Exclusion Zone near hydrophilic surfaces, Chemical Physics Letters, 667 (2017) 322-326.

Y. Zhang, S. Takizawa and J. Lohwacharin, Spontaneous particle separation and salt rejection by hydrophilic membranes, WATER 7 (2015) 1-18. 


Higashitani, K. and Oshitani, J., Magnetic effects on thickness of adsorbed layer in aqueous solutions evaluated directly by atomic

force microscope. J. Colloid Interface Sci., 1998, 204, 363–368.


Sedlmayr, S., Microwave fluid heating and distillation method, United States Patent 20060289502, published in 2006.


J-M. Zheng, W-C. Chin, E. Khijniak, E. Khijniak Jr. and G. H. Pollack, Surfaces and interfacial water: Evidence that hydrophilic surfaces have long-range impact, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 127 (2006) 19-27


 A. Sharma, D. Toso, K. Kung, G.-W. Bahng and G. H. Pollack, QELBY®-induced enhancement of exclusion zone buildup and seed germination,  Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2017 (2017) 2410794.


Y. Zhang, S. Takizawa and J. Lohwacharin, Spontaneous particle separation and salt rejection by hydrophilic membranes, WATER 7 (2015) 1-18.


H. H. Mollenhauer and D. J. Morré, Structural compartmentation of the cytosol: zones of exclusion, zones of adhesion, cytoskeletal and intercisternal elements. In Roodyn D. B. (ed.) Subcellular Biochemistry, vol. 5 (Plenum Press, 1978) pp. 327-362.


 H. Yoshida, N, Ise, and T. Hashimoto, Void structure and vapor–liquid condensation in dilute deionized colloidal dispersions, Journal of Chemical Physics, 103 (1995) 10146.


J. C. Henniker, The depth of the surface zone of a liquid, Reviews of Modern Physics, 21 (1949) 322-341


P. P. Olodovskii and I. L. Berestova, On changes in the structure of water due to its contact with a soild phase, I NMR-spectroscopy studies, Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics, 62 (1992) 622-627, Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, 62 (1992) 853-858. 


K. Oehr and P. H. LeMay, The case for tetrahedral oxy-subhydride (TOSH) structures in the exclusion zones of anchored polar solvents including water, Entropy, 16 (2014) 5712-5720. 


R. M. Santilli, A new gaseous and combustible form of water, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 31(2006) 1113-1128.


J. J. M. Calo, Comments on “A new gaseous and combustible form of water,” by R.M. Santilli. Int J Hydrogen Energy (2006), Int J Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 1309-1312.


M. O. Cloonan, A chemist’s view of J.M. Calo’s comments on: ‘‘A new gaseous and combustible form of water’’ by R.M. Santilli (International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2006:31(9), 1113–1128), Int J Hydrogen Energy 33 (2008) 922-926. 












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