Simple Steps to Reduce Your Daily 'Toxic Load'
Whether you know it or not, you encounter hundreds (if not thousands) of toxins living in this modern world. From PFAS in your flooring...

Is It Healthy To Shower Everyday?
Showering daily has recently become a hot topic and according to a recent article in Harvard Health Publishing there are reasons to...

3 Unique Ways to Use EZ Water at Home!
DIVINIA Is More Than Just Drinking Water When the company was first started, we compounded our own skincare products using herbal...

Don't Be Fooled - Lower Isn't Always Better When It Comes to Deuterium Depleted Water
What is DIVINIA's deuterium level? Doesn't DDW have to be extremely low to make a difference? We are not simply seeking to offer the...

This. Is. Powerful.
2020 hasn't been an easy year. Nowadays, you are likely to feel a little anxious. You might be overwhelmed by work, family, social media...

Our Untold Origin
Believe it or not, DIVINIA’s origins started 25 years ago - and it did not start with water. In 1994, Steven and his wife, Remy, were...

Soda is Bad, But What About Carbonated Water?
In our latest newsletter, we suggested carbonating water as one way to kick a sugary soda habit. Yesterday, we received an inquiry as to...

Hydration is Lucky on St. Patty's!
Whether you’re truly Irish or just wearing green shirts and four-leaf-clover sunglasses, you’ve probably come to know St. Patrick’s Day...

A Beginner's Guide to Exclusion Zone Water, Part 2: Myths Busted.
At DIVINIA we get tons of questions from customers who come across a lot of misinformation while on their paths of discovery. Steven...

Christmas & Water: Meaning Found in Christianity and Other Faiths
As we dive deep into another Christmas season, family gatherings and gift-hunting top the minds of many across our globe. While we might...