Hydration is Lucky on St. Patty's!
Whether you’re truly Irish or just wearing green shirts and four-leaf-clover sunglasses, you’ve probably come to know St. Patrick’s Day...

Christmas & Water: Meaning Found in Christianity and Other Faiths
As we dive deep into another Christmas season, family gatherings and gift-hunting top the minds of many across our globe. While we might...

5 Ways to Feel Better, Naturally
Since we, at Divinia, are proponents of finding natural ways to heal, improve health, or just feel better, I thought now is the time to...

Give Baby Her Bottle... Of Water. The Importance of Clean Water and Pregnancy.
I have to start this post out by saying that I am by no means a medical expert and this post is based solely off my experience. I am also...

Making the First Impression - Water Wednesdays Blog Posts (Q&A)
At Divinia we get a lot of questions that range from topics of health to who we are, and I thought answering some of your questions might...