5 Ways to Feel Better, Naturally
Since we, at Divinia, are proponents of finding natural ways to heal, improve health, or just feel better, I thought now is the time to impart the habits that make us happier and healthier. They are by no means a hard science but are small little ways that lift the blahs of winter/cold... and there is no better time than now! With the sun emerging and birds chirping, Spring is the easiest and best time of year to naturally invigorate yourself.
1. Laugh. A lot.

We love to laugh any chance we get. If you're into a natural high, laughter really is the best medicine. A myriad of scientific studies show that laughing reduces stress hormones, boost immunity, and triggers the release of feel- good endorphins (which help with your overall well-being and can help to relieve pain). Additionally, laughter is good for the heart. Studies find that laughing can burn as many calories as taking a slow or moderately paced stroll! And even better, laughter bonds you to those around you, so be sure to catch a funny movie, play a board game, or sit around the table laughing with those you love.
2. Meditate often.

Sometimes you need a second to just relax and take in a deep breath. Giving yourself a time each day, where you can expect to detach, has a pretty great impact on refueling your happy tank. At Divinia, some of us time parts of the day where we take 1 minute to breathe. It forces us to step away from a grueling task or situation to recenter ourselves. Plus, it helps give perspective and the ability to approach life with a renewed sense of purpose. Meditation seems to be the most effective when at 30 minutes or less, that way you aren't stressing about running late during the day or missing out on important daily activities! Even if you can only find 30 seconds, taking a second to step back and breathe can help bring clarity and happiness.
3. Travel or Find a New Spot.

A recent study conducted in the Netherlands found that people are happiest right before a highly anticipated vacation compared to those staying home, and a study conducted by Booking.com found that "...almost half (49%) of people say a holiday brings them more happiness than their wedding day, while over half (51%) prefer travelling over going on a date with their partner". Although things get pretty hectic at Divinia, even over the weekends, we like to get out of town on occasion and find some new spots, even if its a short day trip. Traveling is a great way to remove yourself from the doldrums and ho-hums of life and reignite your sense of curiosity. We enjoy trips that aren't weighty on the pocketbook but full of fun! Hiking Yellowstone, finding historical sites, or walking around a new town are fun but cheap ways to travel.
4. Enjoy a New Hobby.

When you work more than 40 or 50 hours a week, it can be difficult to remember that we aren't machines. It is an amazing to reconnect with our "human-ess" and enjoy the quiet solitude of a good book or new hobby. Finding a hobby that you love not only can help you re-focus your energy on new endeavors, but also gives you a sense of accomplishment and a chance to make new friends. Hobbies help shape us as people and gives dimensionality to our lives. New hobbies around Divinia include ice skating, painting, swimming, and dance lessons. Because the warmth of Spring is finally here, we are also taking walks and some are starting new work out routines.
5. Get Some Sleep.

Sleeping, besides eating right, is the most natural way to improve your mood... but it can often be overlooked in the course of busy living. Going to bed and waking the same time is one of the best ways to conduct your sleeping habit. Even better, experts suggest that going to bed at the same time, and waking naturally with the sun, is one of the best ways to start the day. Reducing screen time at least an hour before you plan to go to bed, keeping lights dim, and performing nightly rituals help get you ready to hit the sheets. We like to have a glass (8 - 12 ounces) of Divinia before bed so that our skin and internal organs are hydrated over the 7+ hours we try to catch. When we wake up we drink another glass of Divinia, at room temp, to kick start our metabolism. Best when served with a fresh lime and a smile :-)