Is It Healthy To Shower Everyday?
Showering daily has recently become a hot topic and according to a recent article in Harvard Health Publishing there are reasons to...

3 Unique Ways to Use EZ Water at Home!
DIVINIA Is More Than Just Drinking Water When the company was first started, we compounded our own skincare products using herbal...

Exclusion Zone Water & Mitochondrial Function : A Simplified Overview
According to Britannica.com: "Mitochondrion, membrane-bound organelle found in the cytoplasm of almost all eukaryotic cells (cells with...

Don't Be Fooled - Lower Isn't Always Better When It Comes to Deuterium Depleted Water
What is DIVINIA's deuterium level? Doesn't DDW have to be extremely low to make a difference? We are not simply seeking to offer the...

This. Is. Powerful.
2020 hasn't been an easy year. Nowadays, you are likely to feel a little anxious. You might be overwhelmed by work, family, social media...

'EZ' Energy
If you are like us, you love tasty (and healthy) snacks that help get you through the day. One of our favorite things is a blended...

DIVINIA: Episode 2, Season 7 of Start Up
Earlier this year, our company had the wonderful opportunity to be a part of filming an episode for this season of Start Up, a PBS...

Our Untold Origin
Believe it or not, DIVINIA’s origins started 25 years ago - and it did not start with water. In 1994, Steven and his wife, Remy, were...

DIVINIA - Answering Questions on DDW and Hydrogen Water Comparisons.
What is DIVINIA's deuterium level? Doesn't DDW have to be extremely low to make a difference? We are not simply seeking to offer the...

Soda is Bad, But What About Carbonated Water?
In our latest newsletter, we suggested carbonating water as one way to kick a sugary soda habit. Yesterday, we received an inquiry as to...