Spirituality Linked with Better Health Outcomes, Patient Care
Spirituality is linked to better health outcomes and improved patient care, according to research from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public He

Whole Person Healing with Dr. Rustum Roy
Whole Person Healing by Dr. Rustum Roy - DIVINIA Water

May is Mental Health Awareness Month: Can Water (and Other Natural Means) Make You Happier?
Drinking water (especially pure water like Divinia) may improve mood and potentially boost cognitive function.

3 Fresh Uses for DIVINIA at Home: In the Kitchen
Clean or purified water is often associated as "boring" drinking water. At DIVINIA, we like to keep things interesting!

Brain Dehydration and Alcohol: Hydration and Brain Health
The brain is made up of approximately 85% of water so what you eat and drink is vitally important to maintain head health!

Anti-Aging: Cellular Water's Potential Role in Cellular Maintenance
What Role Does Water Play? It is no secret that drinking pure, energized water is necessary for cellular health and longevity. The...

Quick Q & A: How is DIVINIA Different?
Is DIVINIA bottled in plastic or aluminum? No, DIVINIA is only found in glass for quality and sustainability. You can learn more about...

Is Boxed (or Canned) Water Better?
While pushing your cart down the bottled water aisle of your favorite health food store you've likely noticed the growing number of boxes...

Simple Steps to Reduce Your Daily 'Toxic Load'
Whether you know it or not, you encounter hundreds (if not thousands) of toxins living in this modern world. From PFAS in your flooring...

Is It Healthy To Shower Everyday?
Showering daily has recently become a hot topic and according to a recent article in Harvard Health Publishing there are reasons to...