How Does What We Eat Affect Our Healthspan and Longevity? It's a Complex Dynamic System...
Study findings emphasize importance of taking a holistic approach to thinking about nutrients Date: September 21, 2022 Source: Columbia...
Cancer + Hydration: The Simple Benefits of Drinking EZ Water*
Staying hydrated is a simple but powerful way to keep your body functioning at its best! In fact, hydration is the optimum way to keep...

Whole Person Healing with Dr. Rustum Roy
Whole Person Healing by Dr. Rustum Roy - DIVINIA Water

Popular Topic: The Basics of 'EZ' Water
This post covers the topic of exclusion zone water, EZ water, structured water, charged water, fourth phase water, purified water.

Hydrogen: Putting the 'Hy' in Hydration
Hydrogen is in an incredibly prolific and diverse atom that offers amazing benefits! Learn more about hydrogen, hydrogen water & hydration!

3 Fresh Uses for DIVINIA at Home: In the Kitchen
Clean or purified water is often associated as "boring" drinking water. At DIVINIA, we like to keep things interesting!

'EZ' Cellular Energy: Water and Sunshine
It is understood that our bodies gain energy from food and nutrients - learn more about Exclusion Zone (EZ) water!

Brain Dehydration and Alcohol: Hydration and Brain Health
The brain is made up of approximately 85% of water so what you eat and drink is vitally important to maintain head health!

How to Store (DIVINIA) Water for Food Storage/Preparedness
Keeping food and water in storage is not only smart in cases of emergency but is also cost-saving and convenient. Having food on hand...

The Possible Link Between Aquaporins, Intracellular Water & Cancer
Aquaporins are an important function for your cells, and yet they are little discussed or understood by the general public.