A Beginner's Guide to Exclusion Zone Water, Part 1: What's In A Name
Today, I thought I should take us all back to the basic understanding of water in a series of upcoming blog posts, specifically on the topic of exclusion zone water. This will be particularly useful for those who are discovering exclusion zone water; this little guide can be handy to share with friends or family who might be curious, too.
Let's dive in...

A Rose by Any Other Name
Exclusion zone water, also commonly called "EZ water", has a few other associated monikers that reference the very same water. I think it's best to address this up front so that you will be familiar with the terms in this series of articles or any other material you might read on the subject.
A few of the names commonly connected to exclusion zone water are: EZ water, fourth phase water (4th phase of water), plasma water, H3O2, cellular water, and structured water.
Let's delve into these names to understand the context and origins of their use.
EZ water: short for exclusion zone water, as attributed to Dr. Pollack. Can be used interchangeably with exclusion zone water for a shortened reference.
Fourth phase water or plasma water: Also attributed to Dr. Pollack, "fourth phase water", or 4th phase water, is much more descriptive of EZ water. When the phrase is utilized, it goes beyond the characteristics teamed with EZ water - it also describes that EZ water is neither part of the liquid, gas, or solid classes of water, but rather more like a plasma. Fourth phase is a newly discovered state of water, the phase between ice and liquid. It measures with a peak at 270 nm.
H3O2: Water takes on numerous molecular forms and structures; the use of H3O2 is simply stating that EZ water has a crystalline, organized structure (we believe this is due in part to the energy stored in DIVINIA, making it ready for chemical reactions).
Cellular water: As postulated by Dr. Pollack, EZ water becomes exclusion zone water when it approaches a hydrophilic surface. Our cells recognize EZ water because they are hydrophilic and make water "exclusion zone water" when bulk water comes close. The benefit of DIVINIA is that it is already EZ water, so it is readily receipted by the cell without expended energy to convert it into exclusion zone water.
Structured water: Not to be confused with H3O2, "structured water" has been used for years to describe numerous types of organized, crystalline, clustered waters. The problem with using structured water is that it is non-specific and describes a general group of water; this group of water includes waters exposed to light, sound, waves, crystals, etc. and does not necessarily mean that the altered structures of these waters are permanent, long-lasting or proven.
Next week, we will unearth some science of water/EZ water and bust some myths along the way.
Until then!